Site map An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description. Alliance concept scenario.png People Salvatore Spadaro Jose Antonio Lázaro Villa Joan Gené Bernaus Fernando Agraz Bujan Albert Pagès Cruz Jose Antonio Altabas Navarro Francesc Bonada Bo Team background Publications Books Congress Journals Patents PhD Thesis Teaching 230566 - FIBERS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS 11974 / 230255 – OPTICAL-FIBER TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS FOR INTERNET (IP OVER WDM) 230317 - SOFTWARE-BASED DIGITAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS 230551 - LAB – PHOTONICS LABORATORY 230477 - PEF2 – PROJECTS OF ENGINEERING PHYSICS 2 230069 - TC - TRANSMISSIÓ PER CABLE EETAC - Optical Networks for Cloud-Based Services (OPTICAL) EETAC - Optical Communications Projects SUNSET SLICENET Laboratories Hardware Lab Software Lab